Resolution to Transfer Funds from Equipment Repair and Replacement Reserve – October 8 2024

October 10, 2024

Victor Fire District
Resolution to Transfer Funds from Equipment Repair and
Replacement Capital Reserve Account to the General Operating Account

At a meeting of the Victor Fire District held on October 8, 2024 the following Resolution was adopted, which resolution is subject to permissive referendum pursuant to Section 6-g of the General Municipal Law:

RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 6-g of the General Municipal Law, as amended, the Victor Fire District hereby authorizes the transfer of a sum not to exceed $45,000 from its Equipment Repair and Replacement Capital Reserve Account to the District’s General Operating Account for continued Fire District operations including the purchase of stabilization struts, e-draulic ram & plate (rescue tool), attack and supply hose, and grip hoist.

No expenditure shall be made except upon authorization of the Board; and it is further

RESOLVED, that this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum as provided by Section 6-g of the General Municipal Law.

Dated: October 8, 2024
Lisa Hauf, District Secretary