Public Notice for Capital Reserve Transfer

July 27, 2023

Public Notice
Victor Fire District
Resolution to Transfer Funds From Apparatus Repair and
Replacement Capital Reserve Account to the General Operating Account

At a meeting of the Victor Fire District held on July 25,2023 the following Resolution was adopted, which resolution is subject to permissive referendum pursuant to Section 6-g of the General Municipal Law:

RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 6-g of the General Municipal Law, as amended, the Victor Fire District hereby authorizes the transfer of a sum not to exceed $75,000 from its Apparatus Repair and Replacement Capital Reserve Account to the District’s General Operating Account for continued Fire District operations including the acquisition of a utility vehicle for Fire District purposes and services related thereto.

No expenditure shall be made except upon authorization of the Board; and it is further

RESOLVED, that this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum as provided by Section 6-g of the General Municipal Law.

Dated: July 26, 2023
Lisa Hauf, District Secretary